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Warming Up Mongolia

As spring rolls in, we in the West can begin to enjoy brighter days and the (occasional!) sunny weather while the winter months fade from memory. However, it’s unlikely you’d forget a Mongolian winter in a hurry, where temperatures can reach lows of –45ºC, sometimes even lower!

Living in these temperatures is hard. Day to day life means dealing regularly with frozen pipes, enduring a stinging sensation on any exposed skin outside and wearing three layers wherever you go.

It’s the latter of these daily occurrences that can pose a difficulty for many children and young people. Our partners in Mongolia have discovered a need in many families for appropriate winter clothing. Children from homes with a low standard of living, who live with alcoholic parents or who even have no parents at all will often lack sufficient clothing to cope with the harsh Mongolian winter.

Mongolian child with wheelbarrow
Mongolian child with wheelbarrow

Thanks to your help, our partners were able to supply winter kits to 114 children, many of whom received their first ever piece of brand new clothing! Winter kits consist of a thermal base layer, a warm outer coat, boots, hat and mitts. The giving of these kits gives our partners opportunities to talk about Jesus and share their faith.

One recipient of a winter kit was 11th grader, Nomin. He and his siblings attend a school far from their home and also sell foraged food by the roadside to earn a living for the family. After receiving his kit, Nomin said:

“I was very happy to meet the people who came to tell us about Jesus and pray for us… I was never interested in Jesus before, but I will pray to Jesus from now on.”

Could you help to supply winter kits and reach more children like Nomin?



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