

Scripture —

Bible Distribution in Myanmar

We’re passionate about translating and then printing and distributing Bibles in people’s heart language, and wanted to demonstrate the impact that this has.

Bible Distribution in Myanmar (1)
Bible Distribution in Myanmar (1)

We were recently able to support the distribution of the Hakha Chin Bible to various churches in Myanmar. Here’s what some of the recipients said:

“To get the Bible is very difficult. I have never been able to get a Bible for myself. I am overjoyed receiving this free Bible. Thank God and thank you for blessing us since we could not have a copy of the Word of God any other way, but by your service. God bless you!”

“I tried to read the Burmese Bible, but I could not understand it properly. I love this new Bible. The translation is easy to understand and I believe it will satisfy my spiritual hunger for God’s truths.” 

Bible Distribution in Myanmar (2)
Bible Distribution in Myanmar (2)

“I have been praying for years for a Bible we can all understand. I really thank God for your ministry. It is the fulfilment of my years and years of prayer.”

“None of our church members had a Bible, because there are no Bibles available. We want every person in our church to have their own Bible. I am so very grateful to God and to you who have specially prepared free Bibles for us in our own Hakha Chin language. We are all so happy and blessed by your gift.”

What a blessing it is to have Bibles in our own language, and to be taught by people who have access to an abundance of translations and study resources. 

Do pray with us for the ongoing work of translating, printing and distributing Bibles to believers, including church leaders, who do not yet have a copy of God’s Word.


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