Our partner shares an amazing story from Iraq.
“The barber’s shop was empty when I went in that morning. I had visited Barwaz before and knew that he was a Kurdish Muslim but as I sat in the chair, I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to share something of the love of God.
“I asked him, ‘Brother, do you know what Christians believe about the person of Jesus Christ and the way of salvation’. ‘Yes’, he replied, ‘But I would like to know some more’. For the next hour I shared with him about Jesus Christ, His sinless life, His miracles, what set Him apart from any other person, His death and resurrection and the offer of eternal life to all who believe in Him.

“I was intrigued as to why he showed such interest, but he explained that another of his customers, who was a Syrian Muslim Kurd, had shared with him that Jesus had changed his life and he was now a follower of Christ. Barwaz said that he was amazed that a Muslim would become a follower of Jesus, so he asked the customer for a Bible, then he pointed to the shelf above where the Bible sat. I was now the one who was amazed!
“Barwaz assured me that he read the Bible a lot and that he was fascinated by the miracles of Jesus. I asked Barwaz to pray to God asking Him to reveal to him if this way was the true way. Now I feel the need for a haircut every week just to hang out with Barwaz!”
Pray for Barwaz and other Muslims who are hungry to know more about Jesus.
Pray that Christians will be open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, sharing with boldness the message of salvation to those who are lost.
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