

Action —

Ministry in Myanmar

Bringing aid amidst the conflict.

Myanmar is home to the world’s longest running civil war, and recent months have seen the conflict venture ever closer to the regions in which our partners regularly minister to people affected by the violence.

For many years, our partners have been committed to helping those caught up in the conflict, in particularthe Karen and the Karenni people groups. These people groups were promised autonomy by the British when they withdrew in 1948. The promise was never realised, and so these people groups have been heavily persecuted ever since by the Burmese army which staged a military coup in 2021.


One aspect of our partners ministry in the region has been the provision of safe homes for children left without family to care for them. Hundreds of children have been cared for, given an education and introduced to their heavenly Father through this essential work.

As the conflict rumbles on, and the Burmese army move into new territory, our partners have been forced to abandon the premises of one of these homes due to its proximity to advancing forces. All residents and staff were safely evacuated but our partners have received word that the premises are now in use by the Burmese army themselves!

News has also been heard that a military operation is also due to take place close to the location of another of the safe homes.

Despite the inherent danger faced by our partners in Myanmar, God is still working. Even as the military draws closer, medical teams still travel to visit those in desperate need of treatment and aid. A recent trip saw 400 people receive this vital ministry.

Outreach events are also still taking place. In one Karen village, 200 people came to a meeting where food was provided, and the gospel shared. Three people were baptised!

Pray with us for peace in Myanmar and for God’s mercy to pour onto the Karen and Karenni people caught in the conflict. May the Lord be their refuge. Pray for the Lord’s hand of protection to continue to guide our partners in their efforts to help people in need.

Support this crucial work today through our Myanmar Fund.


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