

Workers —

Rima’s Renewed Faith

The trials of being a teenage believer from a Muslim background in Iraq.

Our partners in Iraq continue to serve the Lord in north–west Kurdistan. Evangelism is ongoing and new churches are being planted. Our partners also focus on training future leaders for the growing church in the region.

This is an area that has undergone much turmoil over the years. The ramifications of Islamic State’s reign of terror continue to be felt among many of the Syrian refugees and displaced Iraqis who are now settled near where our partners minister. Praise God that ministry among these people is flourishing as connections are made through the giving of aid to Christians and Muslims alike.

The support and encouragement offered by the churches planted and led by our partners are crucial for believers living in this Muslim–majority land.


Rima, a teenage girl, is a part of the youth ministry in one of our partners churches, and is a Syrian refugee from a Muslim background. She and her family moved to the region due to the conflict in Syria having endured many difficulties since Rima’s father converted to Christianity.

Rima’s whole family came to faith after hearing the gospel and her father became a real ambassador for the Kingdom of God. He regularly spoke of his faith to his relatives and neighbours despite the opposition he knew this would bring. Rima’s father provided for the family by selling sweets for children from a small shop. Sadly, he had to close the shop because people began boycotting him. He was considered an infidel due to his conversion to Christianity. 

Growing up, Rima experienced opposition at the school she attended. She had to cover her head and was forced to learn verses from the Quran. No one wanted to be friends with her and so she had to sit alone, eat alone, and walk home alone.  

Unwilling to further burden her family with her difficulties, Rima kept quiet about how difficult school but still studied hard. Sadly, however, she began to question her Christian faith and started to avoid coming to church and kept to herself. Eventually, when some of our partners visited Rima’s family, she revealed her feelings and distrust of the new faith that had brought her and her family so much trouble. 

Our partners committed Rima to prayer and encouraged her to join the youth ministry. Praise God that she started to place more confidence in the Word of God and His promises. Rima realised anew that she was not following an imaginary God but a living one who cared about her deeply. After so much loneliness at school, Rima has found a loving community at church that provides her with much encouragement.

Pray for Rima to continue to be strong and rely on the promises of the Lord. Pray also for her faithful family who have suffered a great deal and still have many different challenges along their path. Pray that God will help them and provide for their every need. 

Support workers in Iraqi Kurdistan through the Asian Workers Fund.

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