

Scripture —

Secret Sunday School Update

How your support is reaching children in China for Christ.

In Chinese schools, children are interrogated about their parents’ beliefs while false Bible stories are taught depicting Jesus and his disciples as evildoers. Meanwhile, pupils are required to memorise and repeat Communist ideology. Parents are forbidden from discipling their own families, while many church–based children’s ministries have shut down and the ‘Great Firewall of China’ is preventing access to Christian materials online. There is a vital need to bring Christ to the children of China.

Last Christmas, we asked for your support for a new initiative supplying teaching materials to the underground church. Your help enabled distributors of Christian materials for children to travel covertly to believers in China. Many church leaders, parents and helpers have been trained in how to use the materials and teach God’s Word to children faithfully.


Below are just a few encouraging snippets from this ministry that seeks to reach the children of China for Christ.

In one region, a believer is using the materials he received to teach 200 children about God. Each week, these children come along to Sunday School, learning from the Bible before returning home. The children tell their families each week what they’ve learned and often, their families have questions about the teaching! The children come back the next week full of questions for the Sunday School teachers, and bring the answers back home. Back and forth go the children, learning about God and teaching their families in turn. In this way, the teaching materials are having a big impact as more and more people discover the truth of the gospel. 

Elsewhere, a distributor was telling a group about the content of the teaching materials and how it could be used with children. Some older children who were sitting in on the talk said that they would love to use it with their younger siblings when they are left to look after them!

One distributor trained teenagers who were willing to help in the children’s ministry of their church. 

“What moved me the most was that after the teenagers were trained, they could use this course proficiently and freely to teach children. I asked them to lead a children’s club and the teenagers did very well, from leading games to interactive communication. They were absolutely capable of serving the Lord, not just in the future, but now!”

Praise God for how He is working in China amid opposition. Pray for all those working in this land and for the many children learning about the Lord’s love for them. May many come in faith to Jesus Christ. 

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