

Action —

Pakistan Response

Pakistan is in the news once again and our partners are asking for your support.

Having provided for flood victims and Afghan refugees after recent crises, our partners are now eager to help our brothers and sisters who have been hit by a wave of persecution. Your prayers and assistance will be vital in helping their response.

Workers in field in Pakistan
Workers in field in Pakistan

In July, violence erupted in the city of Jaranwala with scores of churches attacked and hundreds of Christian families seeing their homes looted and destroyed. A follow up attack saw a pastor shot this week in nearby Faisalabad after he refused to renounce his faith in Christ. We give thanks that he received swift medical attention and survived, but violence is spreading to the smaller towns and villages of the region.

Many are now in need of shelter and food, and parents are eager to ensure the safety of their children. Some are currently sheltering in barns with farm animals. Even those whose homes remain intact have been affected, with many Muslim employers becoming wary of allowing Christians into their homes and workplaces amid the violence.

Our partners ask you to pray as they respond to the physical and spiritual needs of these brothers and sisters in Christ. Our desire is to help at least 50 of the worst–affected families over the difficult months ahead, and gifts of any amount will be used directly towards this work. 



  • Lift up all those who have lost homes, possessions and jobs in this wave of persecution. Pray that the Lord would faithfully provide for them.
  • Pray that all those affected might know confidence in the Lord, even as they experience trials which we struggle to comprehend.
  • Ask that the local church might boldly step out in support of all those who are hurting, even as threats continue.
  • Pray that our partners would have wisdom as they seek to respond, following the guidance of the Lord, meeting urgent needs and doing good to all, to the glory of our Father in heaven.

Any surplus funds will be allocated towards relief and outreach among other vulnerable communities in Pakistan.


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