

Workers —

Called, Yet Cut Off

Davron’s story of service and struggle.

A new partnership has opened doors into Central Asia where graduates from a theological training school called UDG are going to share Christ, often with people with no knowledge of the gospel. Davron is one graduate serving in Central Asia, and below he shares the challenges of ministry in this part of the world:


“I grew up in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. My mother became a Christian, but my father continued in the Muslim faith.

After coming to faith myself in 2015, I got baptised before joining a discipleship programme here in Uzbekistan. During that time, God showed me that he would use me to start a church.

At the time, I had poor theology and thought of a church only as a building. My focus was on working in business, and I applied to the business programme at UDG, AsiaLink’s partner university. However, the course was full and I opted to study mission instead.

In my first year at UDG, I understood more about my calling and the meaning of the church as God’s people, not a building. I also learned about other countries and cultures and wanted to apply this broader perspective back at home.

I had a hard time when I graduated and went home. My father would still not accept my faith in Christ and his addiction to alcohol led to abuse. He eventually said ‘You are no longer my son’. I continued to tell my father I loved him, and after 18 months he finally relented having seen a difference in my life.

Problems also occurred within the church. The elders asked for my opinion on their leadership, and I explained that I saw a need for a full–time pastor. For this opinion, I was ex–communicated from the fellowship. 

However, when they saw the fruitfulness of a youth ministry in which I began to serve, they eventually relented and asked how I might like to serve in the church. Now, I am one of the four main preachers. I also have an active ministry in another city.

I feel greatly blessed by the fellowship I have had with other UDG graduates in Central Asia through those difficult times.”

You can support students and graduates of UDG today through our UDG (Central Asia) fund.

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