

Workers —

Up To The Task

Local workers reaching local people.

A man drives along a winding mountain path, steadily gaining altitude. The terrain is rough with potholes littering the way. At times the path narrows, bringing the vehicle too close to the precarious cliff edge for comfort. As dramatic and stress–inducing as this trip would be for most of us, it’s no concern for this driver – an evangelist on his way to a far–flung village perched high in the Himalayas. Eventually the road will run out, and the hours–long hike towards the final destination will begin. This is the life of an evangelist in the Himalayas.

We are privileged to support gospel workers right across the continent of Asia. Among other places, gospel outreach is taking place beneath the jungle canopies of South–East Asia, in the sprawling metropolises of India and among Muslim communities in the Middle East. Workers are reaching people with the gospel across a vast array of contexts and cultures. Each of them passionately loves the Lord and wants to see His church flourish and grow, but there is something else they have in common as well: they are local believers reaching their own communities and cultures for Christ.


We believe that the workers best placed to reach Asia’s unreached people are Asians themselves. Your support enables us to identify believers across the continent with whom a partnership begins. Believers working among their own people groups and communities, sharing the good news of Christ with all the advantages that an in–depth knowledge of the local language and culture brings.

Our model of mission is to support, empower and release men and women in Asia to reach their own people wherever possible. The following pages contain stories of just a handful of those workers committed to growing the church among their own communities. Praise God that He has raised up workers for the harvest right across the continent, and pray with us for their labours to be abundantly blessed for the sake of the Kingdom!

You can support Asian evangelists, church planters and pastors through our Asian Workers Fund.

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